Evga Hybrid Kit - The Gaming Enhancer

Evga Hybrid Kit - The Gaming Enhancer

Boost your gaming PC by installing an EVGA Hybrid Kit - get started now to see the difference.

Looking to get more out of your gaming PC? Installing an EVGA Hybrid Kit is a great way to do just that. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to unbox and install the kit to start enjoy improved performance right away!

Adding the Coolant to the Radiator and Removing Air Bubbles

Once the kit is installed and all appropriate connectors have been plugged in, the coolant needs to be added. Start by removing the radiator top cap, before pouring in the provided coolant bottle. Then secure the top cap back onto the radiator to ensure no air bubbles are trapped inside. The EVGA Hybrid Kit is now ready to power up - just be sure to bleed off any residual air from the loop before starting up your PC!

Disclaimer: Information provided above is in generic in nature. Please consider necessary steps to use this product.

16th Mar 2023 AUSTIC SHOP

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